Friday, June 29, 2012

looky looky what ryan did, you're famous man. good to see you saw aladdin 2 1/2, I wondered if that was any good. hah Disney bastardized Jasmine in Return of Jafar, The (1994) aka "Aladdin 2� however this was done in a stupid sequel knowingly made not for the general public but for kids who see the B movie in the store and convince their parents to buy it. For this I have some respect however I have none for Lucas and his retarded ways. -Ryan Walker

Friday, September 23, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

craigslist table

Coffee Table of the Gods

Date: 2011-07-21, 1:18AM CDT


This coffee table is perfect for someone with a cocaine habit or shooting a porno movie.
As you can see from the photo, the majestic beauty of this coffee table rivals earthly treasures such as: the color of the sky at sunset, the laughter of a small child, and infidelity.

Qualities of the table:
-The muthertrucker spins
-Doesn't have any weird splotches under black lights

Due to the assumed large demand for this table, all inquirers will be subjected to a quiz to determine their level of badass-ity.

The price of the table is firm: $7.83, four cans of Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli, and a framed photo of Betty White.

•Location: Minneapolis
•it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Friday, August 26, 2011

so I know I struck out the last few times, but...

this book is really funny. anyone seen it? also his website's art gallery and comments are funny. the book has about 3 pages that need editing though really the photos are all you need to look at in general, forget the text.

one part in the book says "this is a letter from the king of china saying I am banned from china because I am too powerful" (and it looks as if it is a chinese menu or something.)